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Graduates from Quebec

Graduates from École d'optométrie de l'Université de Montréal

Every year, the Ordre des optométristes du Québec (the Order) meets with graduating students at the Université de Montréal’s School of Optometry (ÉOUM) in April or May specifically to explain the process of issuing a permit to practice optometry and registering on the Roll.

How to obtain a permit?

  • Take the necessary steps to obtain professional liability insurance coverage (see the Association des optométristes du Québec — AOQ) and then fill out and submit the form for registration on the Roll to the Order, along with the required payment of the professional dues.
  • Participate in the swearing-in and permit presentation ceremonies of the ÉOUM convocation event (if you cannot participate, your permit will be mailed to you, subject to confirmation from the ÉOUM that you have earned the diploma)

Do I need to inform the RAMQ?

No. Once optometrists are registered on the Roll of the Order, the Order will forward the necessary information and confirmations to the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ).

From that point on, optometrists will obtain information about their remuneration from the RAMQ. Fees will be paid retroactively, where appropriate, based on the date of registration on the Roll (which is generally the date of the swearing-in ceremony).

Professional dues?

Professional dues must be paid the first time optometrists register on the Roll.

Contact us to obtain the required amount.

Trouver un optométriste optométriste