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Graduates from France

University training in France, can I get a diploma and training equivalence?

  • The level of training of the optometry doctorate in Quebec corresponds to the "Master" level in France.
  • For candidates who have completed the Master's degree in Vision Sciences from Paris-Sud University, recognition of a partial training equivalence is generally possible, see details below.
  • For applicants who have completed a Master's degree in Vision Sciences at another university, additional terms and conditions are required to determine if recognition of partial training equivalence is possible, see details below.
  • BTS and License courses are not generally recognized as equivalent, see details below

Recognized diplomas 

  1. Candidates who have completed the Master of Vision Science at Université Paris-Sud, including the Master 2 at the Université de Montréal’s School of Optometry (ÉOUM), are generally granted partial equivalence and must successfully complete a bridging program.
  2. However, candidates who have obtained a Master of Vision Science from Université Paris-Sud, but not the Master 2 from the ÉOUM, are not necessarily granted equivalence. Equivalence may only be granted after the file is reviewed and based on the results of the placement test. If partial equivalence is granted, a bridging program is required.
  3. A Master of Science in Vision (or similar discipline) from another French university (other than Paris-Sud) does not lead to the automatic recognition of a partial equivalence. This recognition can only be granted after studying the file and following the results of a placement test. If partial equivalence is recognized, successful completion training is also required.

Other requirements

Usual bridging program

The content may vary depending on the candidate's profile, this is based on a Master 1 from the Université Paris-Sud and a Master 2 at the ÉOUM.

A minimum of 40 credits, including the following courses:

  • Ocular microbiology and immunology
  • Physiology of the eye
  • Sensorial adaptations to strabismus
  • Oculomotor imbalances (2 courses)
  • Ocular health: (2 courses)
  • Optometry management/legal issues
  • Case study
  • Pediatric optometry: genetic and congenital anomalies, clinical examination of young children
  • Geriatric optometry: aging of structures and specific examination
  • Visual rehabilitation and impairment: low vision examination
  • Preparation for the comprehensive examination


  1. Carefully read the information about the diploma and training equivalence recognition process and the language requirements.
  2. Fill out and submit the appropriate form to the Order along with a cheque and the other required documents.
  3. For more details on the required documents, see the “Documents that must be submitted” section.

Training not recognized as equivalent

Examples of French diplomas that are not recognized

  • BTS d’opticien-lunetier
  • Licence professionnelle d’optique

Useful information



Initial analysis of the file by the admission to practice committee

The deadline varies between 4 to 6 weeks for the initial analysis of the file.

Other delays

Recommendation to the executive committee and decision

If a recommendation is issued by the admission to practice committee, an additional period of 4 to 6 weeks is required.

Invitation to take the placement test (TECCO)

TECCO is offered once a year at the end of September.

The results are made available within 4 weeks to the Ordre, then an additional period of 4 weeks is required for the analysis and by the admission to practice committee, the recommendation to the executive committee and the decision by the executive committee.

Registration for the training program

If a recommendation for a training program is made by the executive committee, the candidate must register with the École d'optométrie de l'Université de Montréal.

Registration is done once a year for the fall semester.

All details are available here.

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